Tripel Kriek
The Enfant Terriple is put for 6 months on cherries: 250 g sour, un-pitted cherries per litre beer. During this time, the bacteria are given time to digest all sugars even further and to let the soft natural souring have its way. Meanwhile, the cherries slowly donate their blood-red colour and their succulent taste. Part of this cherry also is transferred to the oak wine barrels where it – in a grow-bed of lactobacillus – during a year adds further to a woody souring and softening. The result is a triple-kriek ‘pur sang’. With this, a new saint is added to the Cuvée family of Brewery De Leite. The Cuvée Soeur’Ise, is a wink to cherry in French (= ‘cerise’). The divine saint has already seduced many, all over the world!
Style |
Bottle Conditioned |
Organic |
Gluten Free |
Vegan |
Volume |
330 ml
Other Ingredients |
Container |
Glass Bottle
Barrel |
Brewer- owner Luc Vermeersch is fascinated by old handicrafts. It can therefore not come as a surprise that he installed a bread oven and a small brewery in his garden house. He purchased the 30-litre microbrewery in 1997 in Finland. The manufacturer gave him a training course of exactly one weekend. Thanks to much self-study and by making numerous small test batches, both his knowledge of, and his interest for brewing, grew. After 10 years’ brewing experience he enlisted for a brewery course. During his tuition year, he forged plans for a larger brewery and he started purchasing parts of the installation in various places. In April 2008 Brewery De Leite was a fact.